ArsenPvP Map 1 Announcement

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Today I am here to announce ArsenPvP Map 1.


SOTW will be taking place this Saturday, Map 19 @ 1 pm EST | 6 pm GMT. The server will un-whitelist 10 minutes before but with walls around spawn.

We will be having an 85% SALE throughout the entire SOTW:, Make sure to keep an eye out on our Twitter aswell ( as we will be hosting giveaways and such.

Map Information:

  • MapKit (Protection 2, Sharpness 2)
  • 8 Man Factions | 0 Ally
  • SOTW Timer: 2 hour 30 minutes
  • All Classes will be enabled. (Miner, Archer & Bard)

I hope to see you all on SOTW!